Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sleeping posture...

As we all know sleep is essential to us in may ways. Rebuilding of muscle tissue, allowing our bodies to recover from high intensity WODs, etc... We need sleep, it's a need no matter what you believe or think. They say you'll get enough sleep when you are dead, well they weren't squatting heavy enough, trying enhancing their ninja skills, or getting ready for the zombie apocalypse.

Now some of us wake up more sore others than when we went to sleep, more times than not it probably was because of your posture when sleeping, or that killer AMRAP you did the day before is finally sneaking in some DOMS action...

Let's start with this, look at sleeping posture similar to you are standing in a horizontal position. You have to keep your hips, knees, back, and even neck and shoulders align to maintain proper balance with your body.

The link below give some details on how you should sleep in proper positions.


Laying on your back is the most preferred way of sleeping by doctors, chiropractors, and other medical personal that specialize with body alignment. Next, would be side-lying, and last would be face down (or lying on your stomach). We all have our preferences... and sometimes we don't even know how we are going to end up when the night is done but we should try to keep ourselves in the best postural position possible. Yes that is correct, on your back (sorry for people that snore, or well, the people that have to listen to them).

So sleeping on on your back:
Place a slightly firm pillow underneath your knees so it creates a small bend (this allows the hamstrings and quads to deactivate at the same time and not pull on your lower back.) Also if you can place a a little less firm pillow under your back to help with lumbar support.

Sleeping on your side:
Place a firm pillow between your knees to your ankles. Any rotation on your leg and hip can cause a stress on your low back and hips. Also a slightly firm pillow under your neck to allow it to be align as like you were standing.

Sleeping on your stomach:
Just don't do it... Your neck is force to one direction which strains the neck. But if you must. Pillow underneath your stomach and ankles.  The stomach pillow is more for stabilizing the spine for some people because of something called lordosis of the lower back (sway back, beer belly/prego belly back). The ankle pillow just allows the hamstrings to relax a little as well as don't force the foot into a plantar flex (pointed down foot).

Who knew you had to think about your body posture when you are sleeping... honestly you don't, but if you are going to sleep with no pain and waking up with it you need to do something to prevent it.

So try these out and see if you get a better nights sleep, if that doesn't work maybe there more to the issue and a visit to the doc/chiropractor may help... if thats not in your options, thank god for melatonin, nyquil, or benadryl...